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ET Government (The Economic Times)
VentureBlick partners with T-Hub to catalyze internationalisation of Indian healthcare innovators
With the aim of promoting cross-border cooperation and advance revolutionary healthcare solutions, VentureBlick, a leading global platform for healthcare innovation, signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with T-Hub, a Telangana government-backed technology incubator and accelerator.

Yahoo! finance
VentureBlick Secures US$2.6M for First Two Startups, Unveils Super Incubator Model for Medtech Innovation
SINGAPORE, July 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- VentureBlick, a global venture platform for healthcare innovation, announces the successful closure of its first two deals, securing a total of US$2.6 million for two startups despite a challenging funding environment. This achievement is a testament of VentureBlick's distinctive approach of engaging the global medical community to validate, support, and invest in early-stage healthcare startups.

VentureBlick成功帮助两家初创公司获得260万美元融资, 正式推出“医疗创新超级孵化器”模式
2023年7月5日,国际医疗创投平台VentureBlick(万创普利)宣布成功完成其首批的两笔交易。尽管当前全球融资环境充满挑战,但VentureBlick仍帮助两家初创公司获得了总计260万美元的融资。这一成果验证了VentureBlick独特的投融资模式:即让全球的医护专业人士和医疗行业专家更积极地参与到支持医疗创新的过程中来,由他们来为早期医疗初创公司提供市场验证、资源对接和启动资金。이희열 대표 “국내 유망 스타트업들 글로벌 투자 유치 및 시장 진출 교두보 역할도 앞장”

VentureBlick Raises $2.6M, Introduces Super Incubator for Medtech Innovation
VentureBlick, a global venture platform for healthcare innovation, announces the successful closure of its first two deals, securing a total of US$2.6 million for two startups despite a challenging funding environment

Revolutionizing healthcare fundraising by matching early-stage startups with potential medical investors
Chris Lee, Founder & CEO at Singapore-based VentureBlick elaborates a breakthrough innovative funding platform designed to support early-stage healthcare startups through funding, de-risking, product validation, and market insights.